Decentralized Blockchain Based Network

Can an incentive system be built for a mesh network? How can payments be made to service provider by users who use Wi-Fi over the internet? One could create a smart contract for each Wi-Fi router, where people pay in tokens (perhaps including USDT) to access the internet."

One can use wireless bridge to expand the network, 20KM: Outdoor Wireless Bridge

For creating accounts of users and network broadband tracking

Use freeRADIUS

User id can be the crypto public key.

One can use raspberry pi zero as server.

Adding and removing users from the FreeRadius Database (MySQL)

How to encrypt user password in Freeradius

How To

Data usage reporting

Get the broadband statistics, upload it to blockchain, every day

Parse the braodband statistics, and upload it to blockchain

Two types of account:

1) Service provider

2) Service User

Transfer the funds from the user to the service provider based on statistics

It is a prepaid system. Users can switch service providers within a day. This helps promote competition and eliminates fraudulent or non-reliable service providers.

More reliable mesh network where service provider can also become user, in case of network failure of service provider.

Voting by Schelling game evaluates its connectivity, speed, and coverage every month. Disapproval may result in slashing. Good and authentic service means no slashing occurs.

Other incentives

In addition, other incentives, such as staking to gain interest, rewards for providing reliable service, and bonuses for registering for the service, can be provided.